Card of the Moment: The Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles from the beautiful Hanson-Roberts Tarot, published by U.S. Games Systems

This card depicts the archetypal experience of coming back into balance after a big physical change. Whether there’s been a move, a change of jobs, a health challenge, a financial change or some other physical upheaval, coming back to balance requires the same things: specifically, relationships between people who give and receive. At this time, ask yourself two important questions: firstly, “ How do I need to ask for help right now?”, and secondly, “How can I best be of service right now?” When we are completely clear and on task with both these questions’ answers, we will have an uplifted vibrational experience of this tarot archetype.

Tarot Energy Reading for the Planet – September 2019

So basically, everyone on Abaco and many other islands of the Bahamas is leaving. In global terms, this means that they are refugees. The liberator turned dictator Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is dead. The United Kingdom is being forced to suspend parliament and probably have a general election, whether they like it or not, and then leave the European Union. There is massive change on our planet. The Amazon- lungs of the planet- and Siberia – are on fire.
Great Change.
What is humanity really doing, right now?
Where is the meaning in all of this, at this time?
What will help?
What will see us through?

Watch my archetype healing-centered tarot reading and analysis of it all.

The Seven of Pentacles

Here is the final video class in my 4- part series on the 7s in Tarot. This one’s all about the 7 of Pentacles. Enjoy!

P.s. – a quick reminder that enrollment is closing soon for the 2019-2020 Tarot and Intuition Mastery Circle, and also for Advanced Tarot 201 and The Chakra Intuition System course. You can find info on all of these linked from the menu bar.



The Wheel of Fortune Archetype & Current Energies

It hit me, today : – how in the middle of it all these times are staring to feel.

The breaking news headline in just now shows how quickly everyone now thinks an inevitable feeling hard Brexit could happen.

It feels like there’s nothing we can do about it.

Trump offends Greenland and Denmark by offering to buy Greenland – possibly the largest and potentially profitable land acquisition in modern day history, given the potential oil reserves and transport lanes.

Of course, the attractiveness of Greenland looks even better in light of what’s probably already happening to our worlds climate.

There might not be much we can do to stop climate change on some level anymore – we’re already in the middle of the consequences rolling out.

Finally, the long-sunken ship is decaying away…

As amazing as the great ship once was, there’s not much we can do about it, or should really do about it at this stage.

It is a decidedly “Wheel of Fortune”- feeling day today, if you ask me.

When Wheel energy is “up” in our lives, its association with the number Ten often makes people think about how “completing” the situation at hand feels. It’s a number and an archetype associated with endings, and then from the ending, rolling into a brand new beginning. The end is the end of a cycle…the end of one story among many stories that make up most lives, but it is a time for reflection as you observe the harvest that your past behavior has reaped. Sometimes it’s satisfying to see how far you’ve come. Other times it feels a bit regrettable, perhaps. It’s all “Ten” energy.

When the wheel of Fortune energy is present, it’s best to “get back to the center” of your life…because the periphery edges of your life are going to start moving fast. Your job right now, is to focus on what is most important. Carry as much grace and dignity with you through the changes ushered in my these completions and fruitions. This is the way of life for all of us. Life has highs and lows for all of us.

The Wheel of Fortune is a Major Arcana Card – and these are “major arcana” times- in other words, it is probably VERY important for us to “keep our heads”, keep our focus, and see the “big picture “ perspective when Wheel energy is around.

The big picture is probably what will save us here, eventually.. In your perspective lies both your power and your understanding.

Creating a Treasury of Manifest Magic:

The Power of Magician Energy and How To Welcome It

The Magician card in the Chrysalis Tarot

This card is the perfect Tarot archetype to use in your manifesting work if you are absolutely ready to create your next life path – whether that’s a journey into abundance, love, family, career or whatever you want to work miracles in.

The card represents creative force with all the tools necessary for real life manifestation to happen available to you.

Conditions are ripe and perfect for you to take the next steps in creating your new project.

When this card shows up in your readings, you ARE the Magician. Use your power and intentions wisely.

Free Master Tarot Class: the 7 of Swords

Enjoy this first master class in my new free series all about the sevens in Tarot!

Be sure to subscribe with your email to get access to the upcoming classes.

This video class is approximately 30 minutes in length.


Laura 🙂

To enroll in courses or get a reading with Laura, please see the links on the menu bar.