Tarot Energy Reading for the Planet – September 2019

So basically, everyone on Abaco and many other islands of the Bahamas is leaving. In global terms, this means that they are refugees. The liberator turned dictator Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is dead. The United Kingdom is being forced to suspend parliament and probably have a general election, whether they like it or not, and then leave the European Union. There is massive change on our planet. The Amazon- lungs of the planet- and Siberia – are on fire.
Great Change.
What is humanity really doing, right now?
Where is the meaning in all of this, at this time?
What will help?
What will see us through?

Watch my archetype healing-centered tarot reading and analysis of it all.

The Seven of Pentacles

Here is the final video class in my 4- part series on the 7s in Tarot. This one’s all about the 7 of Pentacles. Enjoy!

P.s. – a quick reminder that enrollment is closing soon for the 2019-2020 Tarot and Intuition Mastery Circle, and also for Advanced Tarot 201 and The Chakra Intuition System course. You can find info on all of these linked from the menu bar.



Back with a Baby: my first blogging project – Adjustment and Refinement: the 7’s in Tarot.

This is my new little love, Stevie Jay. 🙂

I am thrilled to share that I gave birth to my third healthy baby this past spring … and life has, understandably, been magical these last months.

I’m able to a bit of work teaching and consulting now, and am starting off with a timely first blog endeavor that I hope you enjoy.

A few months ago, before Stevie was born, I created a 20-minute video lesson about the energies of the seven of Cups, and this morning I now intuited that I should write about a memory/story that ended up being very of Swords-esque, as an energy, I decided. Then I wondered whether I should just create a blog series about the 7’s in Tarot. The answer, I decided, was a resounding “yes” when I checked Mary Greer’s Classic Tarot For Yourself. This time of year, starting today, August 12th, corresponds energetically to the energies of the Seven of Wands. So perfect! We’ll be looking at the 7s here at Healing With The Archetypes this month.

You’ll find that the first video class, all about the Seven of Cups, is already posted on the blog,

And if you’re interested, check out my private reading specials and my course specials, too! My schedule’s wide open at the moment after being home with my new baby, but with the specials I’ve posted, I expect it won’t take long to fill up again. You’ll find links to both reading and course specials on the menu bar.

Thanks for your online friendship and support, always,

In gratitude,

Laura 🙏💫