Enroll in Advanced Tarot

Enrollment is limited to 20 students for 2019 – 2020 Course.

Included reading will be delivered to you within a week of your reading request.

In this 9-month course, each student is given the opportunity to submit a reading request that will become an essential example class in the course. Each week for 40 weeks, depending on how many students enroll and get readings, master classes will be recorded as video classes for all students- each class will be a practicum session with example readings making up the majority of class time. In this way, students will get real life experience with doing advanced readings for a wide variety of different issues, as well as getting their own personal reading as part of the course!

Watch this short introductory class to learn about how I teach Advanced Tarot 201. Enroll at the purchase button below the video.

Enroll now for $147: